Report to:

Governance Committee


Date of meeting:


25 June 2024


Chief Finance Officer



East Sussex Pension Fund – Pension Board appointment



To appoint a representative to the Pension Board, in line with the constitutional requirement


The Governance Committee is recommended to agree the appointment of Linda Hughes as an Employer Representative on the East Sussex Pension Board (for the period 25 June 2024 to 24 June 2028).

1.    Background


1.1          The Local Pension Board of the East Sussex Pension Fund was set up to meet the             requirements of the Public Service Pension Act 2013, requiring Funds in the Local            Government Pension Scheme to have a Pension Board whose duties are to provide      advice to the Administering Authority. The Pension Board is not a decision-making         body. Under the East Sussex County Council Constitution appointments to the        Pension Board are reserved to the Governance Committee. 


1.2          The Pension Board consists of 3 employer representatives, 3 member       representatives and an independent chair. There is currently a single vacancy for an          employer representative.


2.          Appointment of the Employer Representative

2.1       Following the resignation of Tim Oliver in May 2024, Fund officers have contacted            employer organisations to seek nominations for Pension Board membership.

2.2       The Southfield Learning Trust nominated its Director of Resources, Linda Hughes,            for the position of employer representative. No other employer put a nomination   forward.

2.3       Linda met with the Chair of the Pension Board and the Pensions Manager – Governance and Compliance to discuss the position, ensure suitability and full awareness of requirements, particularly relating to training and knowledge. The Chair of the Pension Board and officers are happy to recommend Linda Hughes for appointment to the Pension Board.

3          Length of appointment

3.1       Pension Board members can be appointed for a term of up to 4 years, with the possibility of providing an extension of up to 2 years. In the event of a full term being offered, there is one other member of the Pension Board whose term would conclude in 2028. As such, Officers believe it would be beneficial for a full term of 4 years to be agreed by the Governance Committee.

4.         Conclusion

4.1       The Governance Committee is recommended to agree the appointment Linda Hughes as an Employer Representative on the Pension Board for a term of 4 years (being 25 June 2024 to 24 June 2028).


Chief Finance Officer




Contact Officer:

Sian Kunert, Head of Pensions
